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Friday, December 12, 2014

Photo Editing with GIMP for modeled photos

11:19 AM Posted by SnowSews
In my previous posts, I mentioned that I was looking to take better photographs. What is a better photo, you ask? In my opinion, a photo that shows great details of the subject, while putting the background where it belongs (in the background), is a better photo. In the context of modeled dresses, the eye should be drawn to the dress first, then the model, and the background should only register as a complement to the dress. I would look for light, bright and arresting photos. No dullness, no shadows on the subject.

Now, I know what I am looking for, but I don't yet know how to take that photo. Here's a great example, from I really like that there are light and dark areas in the photo, the background doesn't compete with the details of the dress, and the model's face is well lit without being overblown.

I have a simple point and shoot, and no budget for a dslr in the near future. I used to take jewelry photos a while ago, but photographing a child is not easy, especially not one as excited to see the photo as mine is. She wants the camera in her hand all the time. So what should I do? The answer is simple. GIMP.

GIMP is a free, open source, powerful program with tons of tutorials all over the internet. The only problem is that it takes a long time to learn what effect you want, since the technical terms are so, well, technical. What on earth is a layer mask, anyway?

I have decided that I want to take the time to learn to improve my photos, and that means learning all those complicated words and the actions behind them. I will be posting tutorials as I go, more for me than anyone else, since these will be a record for future use. Wish me luck!